I ‘m Sarah Bass,
and I help create inclusive workplaces
Organisations increasingly recognise the need for a diverse workforce, and are recruiting to make this a reality. But so many of them are finding that the promised benefits are not being realised, or new recruits don’t stay… so what’s going wrong?
If your organisation’s culture is not inclusive, then it will not facilitate the greatest contributions of its workforce. Diverse ideas or strategies will be ignored, and the potential in them will not come to fruition. Employees leave when they don’t feel like there is space for their best self to turn up and contribute.
It is inclusive culture that will enable you to get the best from your employees.
I work with organisations to create inclusive workplaces, so that employees and organisations can thrive.
ways we can work together to create inclusive organisational culture
Interactive, informative and fun workshops on diversity, equity and inclusion. These workshops help participants to see the world in new ways and change their behaviours.
Leadership today is often an overwhelming job. Sarah coaches executives who want to create better outcomes for both themselves and their teams in healthy, respectful ways.
Sarah delivers a range of keynotes on how to create inclusive, adaptive organisational cultures that enable employees to make their greatest contribution.
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